
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

attineō (adt-) tinuī, —, ēre.

I I. Trans, to hold fast, detain, delay: quam attinendi dominatūs sient, how retained, T. ap. C.: Romanos spe pacis, S.: dextram vi, Ta.—

II II. Intrans, to stretch, reach: Scythae ad Tanain attinent, Cu.—Fig., to belong to, concern, relate to, be of consequence: ea nil quae ad te attinent, T.: quod ad te attinet, as far as you are concerned, T.: quod ad me attinet, for my part: tamquam ad rem attineat quicquam, H.: quid attinebat quaeri de eo, etc., of what consequence was it?: nec victoribus mitti attinere puto, of any importance, L.: Te nihil attinet tentare, does you no good, H.: dicere quae nihil attinent, matters of no concern, H.

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