
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

attingō (adt-) tigī, tāctus, ere

ad + tango, to touch, come in contact with : prius quam aries murum attigisset, Cs.: telas putris, to handle , V.: Maenalon, set foot on , O.: mento aquam: pedibus terram, N.— To touch, strike, lay hands on, seize : illam, T.: (fanum), to violate : si Vestinus attingeretur, were attacked , L.: herbam, crop , V.— To approach, reach, arrive at, attain to : Italiam: lumina, i. e. life , V.: arces igneas, i. e. divine honors , H.—Of places, to be near, border on, adjoin, touch : (regio) Ciliciam: eorum fines Nervii attingebant, Cs.—Fig., to touch, affect, reach : dignitatem tuam contumeliā: quos ea infamia attingeret, L.—Of speech, to touch upon, mention, refer to : quem simul atque attigi: genera breviter: tantum modo summas, N.: ea, tamquam volnera, L.— To undertake, enter upon, engage in, take in hand, manage : causam Murenae: forum, i. e. public affairs : Graecas litteras: poeticam, N.: arma, to arm themselves , L.: alqd extremis digitis, i. e. have little experience in. — To reach, attain : auctoritatem loci: haec.— To come in contact with, be related to, belong to, resemble : officiis populum: Res gerere ... Attingit solium Iovis, the administration of the state borders on , etc., H.

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