
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cōn-suēscō suēvī

(-suēstī, -suērunt, etc., C., Cs.; -suēmus, Pr.), suētus, ere, to accustom, inure, habituate: consuetus in armis Aevom agere: quibus consueti erant ferramentis, L.: consueti equi evadere, S.— To accustom oneself, form a habit, familiarize oneself: Rhenum transire, Cs.: in teneris, V.: Quam male consuescit, qui, etc., what a wicked custom, etc., O. — Usu. perfsystem, to be accustomed, be wont, have a habit: peierare consuevit: obsides accipere, non dare, Cs.: alquo ire, Cs.: reges tollere, H.: cum eo vivere, N.: quod plerumque accidere consuevit, as was usually the case, Cs.: pro magnis officiis consuesse tribui, Cs.: eo (equo) quo consuevit uti: quo consuerat intervallo, sequitur, at the usual distance, Cs.: ut consuesti: quem ad modum consuerunt: sicuti fieri consuevit, is wont, S.—To cohabit: illā, T.: mulieres quibuscum iste consuerat.

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