
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

rīte adv.

old abl.for rītū; see ritus, according to religious usage, with due observances, with proper ceremonies, ceremonially, solemnly, duly : sacrificia, quae pro populo rite fient: neque duobus nisi certis deis rite una hostia fieri, L.: exsequiis rite solutis, V.: deos apprecati, H.: pecora sacrificant, L.: Templa sacerdotum dicata manu, O.— In a proper manner, justly, fitly, duly, rightly, aright, well : hunc deum rite beatum dixerimus, with reason : rite di sunt habiti: rebus paratis, V.: mens rite Nutrita, H.: si maxima Iuno Rite vocor, O.— In the usual manner, according to usage, customarily : Scythae, Quorum plaustra vagas rite trahunt domos, H.: religati rite equi, V.