
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

vīvus (-vos) adj.

VIV-, alive, living, having life : illum vix vivum relinquo: Iugurtham vivom aut necatum sibi tradere, S.: duxit uxorem patre vivo, in his father's lifetime : duo ex unā familiā, vivo utroque, magistratūs creari vetare, Cs.: Catc adfirmat, se vivo illum non triumphaturum, while he lived : huic acerbissimum vivo videntique funus ducitur, i. e. before his eyes : Vivos vidensque pereo, i. e. with my eyes open , T.—As subst m., a living man : aeternis suppliciis vivos mortuosque mactabis.—As subst n., that which is alive, the quick, living flesh : calor ad vivum adveniens, i. e. reaching the flesh , L.—Fig.: neque id ad vivum reseco, i. e. press the assertion too literally : dat de lucro: nihil detraxit de vivo, from the capital : de vivo igitur erat aliquid resecandum, ut esset, unde, etc., i. e. the capital must be impaired .—Of things, alive, living, green, fresh, active : Caespes, O.: radix, O.: flumen, running , L.: ros, fresh , O.: lucernae, burning , H.: saxum, unwrought , V.: voltus, i. e. speaking , V.

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