(St.) Leonard, Foster Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the west side of Foster Lane, in Aldersgate Ward. The parish extends into Farringdon Ward Within.

First mention: "St. Leonard near S. Martin," 1278 (Ct. H.W. I. 35).

Staples, in his account of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, says St. Leonard's was founded about 1236, by Walter or Wm. Kyrkeham in the court or yard of the collegiate church of St. Martin (p. 31), but he does not give his authority for the statement.

Other forms : "Sancti Leonardi in venella Sancti Vedasti," 31 Ed. I. (Lib. Cust. I. 229 and 235). "S. Leonard in S. Vedast lane," 1322-3 (Ct. H.W. I. 300). "St. Leonard in Fasterlane," "S. Leonard de Fasterlane," 1396-7 (ib. II. 323). "S. Leonard de Fastres lane," 1403 (ib. 355).

Stow describes it as a small parish church "for them of S. Martin's le graund," the parish being greatly increased by tenements being rebuilt in place of St. Martin's Collegiate Church (S. 308).

Repaired and enlarged 1631. The vicarage house before the Fire formed part of the Church. Burnt in the Fire and not rebuilt. Parish united to Christ Church, Newgate Street. Site enclosed for a burial ground (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 120).

A Rectory. Patron : Dean of S. Martin's le Grand and afterwards the Dean and Chapter of Westminster.

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