(St.) Pancras, Soper Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the north side of Pancras Lane in Cheap Ward (Strype, Ed. 1720, I. iii. 25).

First mention found in records, 1257 (Anc. Deeds, A. 9656).

Other forms: "St. Pancras by Sopereslane," 45 H. III. (ib. A. 2697). " St. Pancras in Sopereslane " parish, 1343-4 (Ct. H.W. I. 471). " St. Pancras near Sopereslane," 1349 (ib. 558). " St. Pancras in Westchepe," 1420 (ib. II. 421).

Repaired and beautified 1621 (Strype, Ed. 1720, I. iii. 28).

The grant of land to the west of the church for making a cemetery was made 3 Rich. II. 1379 (Cal. P.R. Rich. II. 1377-81, p.391).

Burnt in the Fire and not rebuilt, the parish being united to St. Mary le Bow (Strype, Ed. 1720, I. iii. 25 and 50).

The site was enclosed as a burial place for the inhabitants and still remains unbuilt over.

Dedication to St. Pancras of Rome, who perished at the early age of fourteen in the Diocletian persecution, in 303.

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