Philpot Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

South out of Fenchurch Street, at No.12, to 21 Eastcheap (P.O. Directory). In Billingsgate Ward and Langbourne Ward.

First mention: 20 Ed. IV. "Lane of St. Andrew Huberd," otherwise styled "Philpot Lane" (Anc. Deeds, C. 6563).

See St. Andrew Hubbard Lane.

Stow says the lane received its present designation from Sir John Philpot, the owner of it, who lived there (S. 204). He was Mayor in 1378, Sheriff 1372, and Alderman of Cornhlll Ward.

Fragments of pottery of various kinds have been found here in the course of excavations, some of the 1st century, A.D. (For details See Vict. Co. Hist. I. )

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