Zao Promontorium

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ZAO PROMONTORIUM a headland on the coast of Gallia Narbonensis, and east of Massilia ( Marseille). Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.4), after mentioning Massilia says, Promontorium Zao, Citharista Portus. Regio Camatullicorum. Dein Suelteri.It is not easy to identify Zao. Ukert conjectures that it may be Bec de Sormion. In the Statistique du Dèp. des Bouches du Rhône, it is supposed to be Cap de la Croisette. This is a rocky coast, which has undergone little change for many centuries. (Ukert, Gallien, p. 120.)

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