Zephyrium Promontorium

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ZEPHYRIUM PROMONTORIUM(τὸ Ζεφύριον: Capo di Bruzzano), a promontory on the E. coast of the Bruttian peninsula, between Locri and the SE. corner of Bruttium. It is mentioned principally in connection with the settlement of the Locrian colonists in this part of Italy, whose city thence derived the name of LOCRI EPIZEPHYRII.According to Strabo, indeed, these colonists settled in the first instance on the headland itself, which had a small port contiguous to it, but after a short time removed to the site of their permanent city, about 15 miles farther N. (Strab. vi. pp. 259, 270.) The Zephyrian Promontory is mentioned by all the geographers in describing the coast of Bruttium, and is undoubtedly the same now called the Capo di Bruzzano, a low but marked headland, about 10 miles N. of Cape Spartivento, which forms the SE. extremity of the Bruttian peninsula. (Strab. l. c.;Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 10; Mel. 2.4.8; Ptol. 3.1.10; Steph. Byz. s. v.)

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