Aromata Promontorium

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARO´MATA PROMONTO´RIUM(Ἀρώματα ακρον καὶ ἐμπόριον, Ptol. 4.7.10; Ἄρωμα, Steph. B. s. v.;Arrian, Perip. Mar. Eryth. 7, 8, 17, 33: Eth. Ἀρωμεύς: the modern Cap Guardafui), was the easternmost headland of Africa, in lat. 11° N. The promontory was a continuation of Mount Elephas, and the town Aromata was the principal city in the Regio Cinnamonifera (ἡ Κινναμοφόρος Χωρά, Strab. 16. p. 774.) Ptolemy, indeed (4.7.34), places the region of cinnamon and spices further to the west and nearer to the White Nile. The district of which Aromata was the capital bounded Africa Barbaria to the north, and the Long-lived Aethiopians (Macrobii) are placed by some geographers immediately south of it. The quantity of spices employed by the Egyptians in the process of embalming rendered their trade with Aromata active and regular. Diodorus (Diod. 1.91) mentions cinnamon as one of the usual condiments of mummies.