Artabrorum Sinus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARTABRO´RUM SINUS a bay on the coast of the Artabri, with a narrow entrance, but widening inwards, having on its shore the town of ARDOBRICA and receiving four rivers, two of which were not worth mention ; the other two were the Mearus and the Ivia or Juvia (Mela 3.1.9). This description answers exactly to the great bay on the coast of Gallicia, between La Coruñaon the S. and C. Priorino, SW. of El Ferrol, on the N.; which divides itself into the three bays of Coruña, Betanzos, and El Ferrol, and receives the four rivers Mero, Mendo, Eume, and Juvia. Of these the first and last, whose estuaries form respectively the bays of Coruzñaand El Ferrol, correspond in name with Mela's rivers; but the other two, which fall into the estuary of Betanzos, are quite as important in respect of their size. The bay is completely land-locked ; its coasts are bold and lofty; but the rivers which fall into it form those secure harbours, which the ancient writers mention (see preceding article), and which have been celebrated in all ages.
Notwithstanding some confusion in the numbers of Ptolemy, this is evidently his Magnus Portus (ὁ μέγας λιμήν) on the coast of the Gallaeci Lucenses (2.6.4).