Canthi Sinus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CANTHI SINUS(Κάνθι κόλπος: Gulf of Cutch), a great gulf, on the W. coast of India intra Gangem, between Larice and the mouths of the Indus. (Ptol. 7.1. § § 2, 55, 94.) The country on its shores was called SYRASTRENE;and Ptolemy mentions the island of Barace ( Cutch) as lying in it. The pseudo-Arrian calls it—the Irinus Sinus (Εἰρινόν), and the interior portion, behind the island of Cutch (now known as the Runn), he calls Baraces (Βαράκης), and states that it contains seven islands (they are, in fact, more numerous); and he describes the dangers of its navigation ( Peripl. Mar. Erythr. p. 23, Hudson). The Runnis now a mere morass.