Magorum Sinus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MAGORUM SINUS(Μαγῶν κόλπος), a bay on the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf, in the country of the Themi, who joined the Gerraei on the north. (Ptol. 6.7.54.) It is still marked by the modern town of Magas, and the ancient name is accounted for by Mr. Forster by the fact that the ancient Themi are the Magian tribe of Beni-Temin, in all ages of Arabian history inhabitants of the gulf and city of Magas, —a deep bay, with its chief town of the same name, immediately above the bay of Katiff. ( Geogr. of Arabia, vol. 2. p. 215.) He maintains that the Magi of S. Matthew (ii. ]) were of this tribe, and from this country (vol. i. pp. 304—307). [THEMI.]