Forum Aurelii

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FORUM AURELII a town or village on the coast of Etruria, situated on the Via Aurelia, and placed by the Itinerary 24 miles from Centumcellae and 25 from Cosa. ( Itin. Ant. p. 291.) The former number is doubtful (those in the Tab. Peut. are altogether confused); but, on the whole, it is probable that Forum Aurelii was placed at or near Montalto, on the river Fiora, at the place where that stream was crossed by the Via Aurelia. There can be little doubt from its name that the Forum Aurelii was founded at the same time with the construction of the high road of the same name; but of the date of this we have no account. [VIA AURELIA] We only know that both the road and town existed in the time of Cicero, who mentions the Forum Aurelium (sic) in connection with the proceedings of Catiline. (Cic. in Cat. 1.9) It seems never to have been a place of any importance, and, after this incidental mention, its name is found only in the Itineraries.

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