Forum Fulvii

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FORUM FULVII(Valenza), a town of the interior of Liguria, mentioned by Pliny among the nobilia oppidaof that province, between the Apennines and the Padus. He adds the distinctive appellation of Valentinum( Forum Fulvii, quod Valentinum), though no other place of the name is known. It is also mentioned in the Tabula, in a manner that would afford but little clue to its position; but the distance of 22 M. P. from Asta (corruptly written Hasia) accords with the position of the modern Valenza, a considerable town on the right bank of the Po, about 16 miles below Casale, the name of which is evidently connected with the epithet of Valentinum given to the ancient city. In the Notitia (where it is called Forum Fulviense) we find it mentioned as the station of a body of troops, probably to defend the passage of the Padus at this point. (Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 7; Not. Dign, 2. p. 121; Tab. Pent. )

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