Forum Livii

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FORUM LIVII(Forlí), a town of Gallia Cispadana, situated on the Via Aemilia, between Faventia and Caesena. Its foundation is commonly ascribed by local historians to Livius Salinator, but there is no authority for this. Its name is not found either in Strabo or Ptolemy, but is mentioned by Pliny among the municipal towns of the region; and by the Itineraries, which place it 13 M. P. from Caesena and 10 from Faventia. It therefore occupied the same site as the modern city of Forli, on the right bank of the Montone, the Vitis of Pliny. (Plin. Nat. 3.15. s. 20; Itin. Ant. p. 287; Itin. Bier. p. 616; Tab. Peut. ) In A.D. 412 it was the scene of the nuptials of Placidia, the sister of Honorius, with the Gothic king Athaulfus (Jornand. Get. 31), but notwithstanding its selection for this purpose it seems to have never been a town of importance in ancient times. The modern city of Forlí, on the contrary, is a populous and flourishing place.

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