Forum Vibii

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FORUM VIBII(Vibi Forum, Plin. Nat. 3.17. s. 21: Eth. Forovibiensis, Id. 16. s. 20), a small town of Liguria, near the sources of the Padus, and in the territory of the Vagienni. Pliny tells us that the Padus had its source in the Mons Vesulus (Monte Viso), and, after flowing a short distance, plunged under the ground, and again emerged in Forovibiensium agro.(Plin. Nat. 3.16. s. 20; Solin. 2.25.) As there is no truth in this account of the subterraneous course of the Padus, it affords us no assistance in determining the real position of Forum Vibii, which must have been situated somewhere in the upper valley of that river, in the neighbourhood of Saluzzo, but on the N. bank of the Po, as Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.17. s. 21) reckons it in the Regio Transpadana.