Forum Flaminii

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FORUM FLAMINII(Φόρον Φλαμίνιον, Strab.; Ιφόρος Φλαμινίου, Ptol.: Eth. Foroflaminiensis), a town of Umbria, situated on the Flaminian Way, where it first entered the Apennines, 3 miles from Fulginium. It is evident from the name that it was founded by the censor C. Flaminius, at the time that he constructed the celebrated highway on which it was situated, B.C. 220: but its name is not mentioned in history. Strabo speaks of it as deriving its chief importance from the traffic along the road: but we learn from Pliny, and from inscriptions, that it was a municipal town of some consideration. (Strab. 5. p. 227; Plin. Nat. 3.14. s. 19; Ptol. 3.1.54; Gruter, Inscr. p. 347. 1; Orell. Inscr. 98.) It was here that the emperors Gallus and Volusianus were defeated and slain by the pretender Aemilianus in A.D. 256. (Hieron. Chron. ad ann.;Cluver, Ital. p. 631.) Forum Flaminii is still termed a civitasin the Jerusalem Itinerary, and continued the see of a bishop till the eighth century, when it was destroyed by the Lombards, and the remaining inhabitants established themselves at Fulginium. The Itineraries place it 3 miles from Fulginium, and 12 from Nuceria: but the ruins which, according to Holstenius, still mark its site at a place called S. Giovanni pro Fiamma(or in Forifiamma), are hardly 2 miles from the former city. ( Itin. Ant. p. 125; Itin. Hier. p. 614; Tab. Peut.;Holsten. Not. ad Cluv. p. 92.)

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