
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

forum ī, n

1 FOR-, an open space, public place, court, market-place : forum, id est, vestibulum sepulcri: per fora loqui, Ta.: Pars forum celebrant, O.— A market-place, market, enclosure for selling, exchange : fora exstruere, Ta.: rerum venalium, S.: cui fora multa restarent, had many market-places to visit : boarium, the cattle-market (adjoining the circus), L.: holitorium, the vegetable-market , L.: piscatorium, the fish-market , L.— Prov.: Scisti uti foro, i. e. to act for your advantage , T.— A market-place, forum, public square, exchange (in each city, the centre of public life): Nunc forum quem spectat, i. e. all the people , H.: statua eius (Anici) Praeneste in foro statuta, L.: mane forum pete, H.—In Rome, esp. Forum Romanum, or Forum, an open space between the Capitoline and Palatine hills, surrounded by porticos and shops : toto quantum foro spatium est, L.: adripere verba de foro, pick up in the street : caruit foro Pompeius, i. e. was compelled to avoid : filiam in foro suā manu interemere: forumque Litibus orbum, H.: ut primum forum attigerim, i. e. engaged in public affairs : studia fori, Ta.: forum Mandabo siccis, i. e. affairs of state , H.: ut forum et iuris dictionem cum ferro et armis conferatis, the courts : cedat forum castris: Insanum, V.: forum agere, hold court : fori harena, Iu.: civitates, quae in id forum convenerant, that court-district : extra suum forum vadimonium promittere, jurisdiction : annos iam triginta in foro versaris, in trade : sublata erat de foro fides: hunc in foro non haberemus, i. e. he would have been bankrupt : Cedere foro, become bankrupt , Iu.: Forum Augustum (with an ivory statue of Apollo), O.; called forum, Iu.—As nom propr . of many market and assize towns.—Esp.: Appī, a markettown in Latium, on the Via Appia, C., H.: Aurelium, a small town on the Via Aurelia, C.

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