Forum Licinii

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FORUM LICINII a town of Transpadane Gaul, mentioned only by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.17. s. 21), who writes the name Licinitorum, and, strangely enough, tells us that it was a city of the Orobii, a people mentioned by Cato; though it is evident from its name that it, was a Roman foundation, or at least settlement. From the same passage it would appear to have been in the neighbourhood of Comum and Bergomum, and has been fixed, plausibly enough, though only conjecturally, at a place called Incino, near the small town of Erba, on the road from Comnoto Lecco, and about 7 miles from the former city, where some inscriptions and other antiquities have been found. (Annoni, Memoria intorno il Piano d'Erba, Como, 1831.)

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