Forum Domitii

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FORUM DOMITII is placed by the Itins. on the great Roman road from Nemausus ( Nimes) to Narbo ( Narbonne). The distance from Cessero (St. Tiberi) on the Héraultto Forum Domitii is 18 M. P.: and the Antonine Itin. makes it 17 M. P. from Forum Domitii to Sextantio ( Soustantion), which is a few miles west of Montpellier. Though Forum Domitii lies between two well-known places, its position is not known. We may conclude that it was on the Via Domitia, so called from Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, who defeated the Allobroges (Liv. Epit. 61). This road is mentioned by Cicero (Cic. Font. 4) as repaired by the legati of M. Fonteius.

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