Moschici Montes

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MO´SCHICI MONTES(τὰ Μοσχικὰ ὄρη, Strab. 1. p. 61, xi. pp. 492, 497, 521, 527, 12. p. 548; Plut. Pomp. 34; Mela, 1.19.13; Ptol, 5.6.13; Moschicus M., Plin. Nat. 5.27), the name applied, with that of Paryadres, and others, to the mountain chain which connects the range of Anti-Taurus with the Caucasus. Although it is obviously impossible to fix the precise elevation to which the ancients assigned this name, it may be generally described as the chain of limestone mountains, with volcanic rocks, and some granite, which, branching from the Caucasus, skirts the E. side of Imiretia, and afterwards, under the name of the Perengah Tágh, runs nearly SW. along the deep valley of Ajirahin the district of Tchildir;from whence it turns towards the S., and again to the W. along the valley of the Acampsis, to the W. of which, bearing the name of the Kop Tágh, it enters Lesser Asia. (Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. 10. p. 816; Chesney, Exped. Euphrat. vol. 1. p. 285.)