Marithi Montes

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MARITHI MONTES(τὰ Μάριθαor Μάρειθα ὄρη) a mountain chain in the interior of Arabia, the middle of which is placed by Ptolemy, who alone mentions them, in long. 80° 30‘, lat. 21° 30‘, and round which he groups the various tribes of this part of the peninsula, viz., the Melangitae (Μελαγγῖται) and Dachareni (al. Dacharemoizae, Δαχαρηνοί), on the north; the Zeritae (Ζειρῖται), Bliulaei (Βλιουλαῖοι), and Omanitae (Ὀμαγκῖται), on the south; to the east of the last were the Cattabeni, extending to the Montes Asaborum. [MELANES MONTES.] (Ptol. 6.7.20.) They appear to correspond in situation with the Jebel ‘Athal, on the south of Wady-el-Aftân, in Ritter's map. (Forster, Geog. of Arabia, vol. 2. p. 266.)