Rhymmici Montes

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

RHY´MMICI MONTES(Ῥυμμικὰ ὄρη, Ptol. 6.14. § § 4, 10, 11), a mountain chain of Asiatic Sarmatia, of which no nearer indication can be given than that it belongs to the great meridian chain, or rather assemblage of nearly parallel mountain chains, of the Ural.
The river RHYMMUS(Ῥυμμὸς ποταμός, Ptol. 6.14. § § 2, 4), which has been a sore puzzle to geographers, took its source in these mountains and discharged itself into the Caspian between the Rha (Volga) and the Daix (Ural). In the present day there is, W. of the embouchureof the Uralto the great delta of the Volga, only one small stream which reaches the Caspian, under the name of the Naryn Chara(Goebel, Reise in die Steppen, vol. 2. p. 342). This river is probably the Rhymmus of Ptolemy. (Humboldt, Asie Centrale, vol. 2. p. 187.)