Argentarius Mons

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARGENTA´RIUS MONS a remarkable mountain-promontory on the coast of Etruria, still called Monte Argentaro. It is formed by an isolated mass of mountains about 7 miles in length and 4 in breadth, which is connected with the mainland only by two narrow strips of sand, the space between which forms an extensive lagune. Its striking form and appearance are well described by Rutilius (Itin. 1.315—324); but it is remarkable that no mention of its name is found in any earlier writer, though i; is certainly one of the most remarkable physical features on the coast of Etruria. Strabo, however, notices the adjoining lagune (λιμνοθάλαττα), and the existence of a station for the tunny fishery by the promontory (5. p. 225), but without giving the name of the latter. At its south-eastern extremity was the small but well-sheltered port mentioned by ancient writers under the name of PORTUS HERCULTS(Ἡρακλέους λιμὴν, Strab. l. c.;Rutil. 1.293), and still known as Porto d'Ercole. Besides this, the Maritime Itinerary mentions another port to which it gives the name of INCITAIIA,which must probably be.the one now known as Porto S. Stefano, formed by the northern extremity of the headland; but the distances given are corrupt. (Itin. Marit. p. 499.) The name of Mons Argentarius points to the existence here of silver mines, of which it is said that some remains may be still discovered.