Carpates Mons

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARPATES MONS(ὁ Καρπάτης ὄρος: Carpathian Mountains). The namefirst occurs in Ptolemy, who applies it to a range of mountains beginning in 46° long and 48° 30′ lat., about 1° W. of the source of the river Tibiscus ( Theiss), and extending to the E. as far as the source of the Tyras ( Dniester), forming a portion of the boundary between Dacia on the S. and Sarmatia on the N. (Ptol. 3.5. § § 6, 15, 18, 20, 7.1, 8.1). This description corresponds tolerably well to the W. Carpathian Mountains, but Ptolemy insulates the range, taking no notice of its prolongation to the SE. through Dacia (the E. Carpathian Mountains), and expressly separating it, on the W., from the Sarmatici M. The earlier writers accurately describe the range as a continuation of the Hercynia Silva, and as running through Dacia, but they do not call it by any specifie name (Caes. B. G. 6.25; Strab. 7. p. 295; Plin. Nat. 4.12. s. 25). In the Peutingerian Table it is called Alpes Bastarnicae. It contains the sources of the great rivers flowing through Dacia, southward, into the Danube. (Ukert, vol. iii. pt. 2. pp. 126, 355, 602.)