OCHUS(ὁ Ὦχος, Strab. 11. p. 509; Ptol. 6.11. § § 2, 4; Ammian. 23.6), a river of Central Asia, which...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Ōchus, i, m., = Ὦχος. I A river in Bactriana , that empties into the Oxus , Plin. 6, 16, 18, § 49...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
mons, tis (archaic abl. montei, Enn. ap. Non. 222, 33; cf. Ann. v. 420 Vahl.), m. [etym. dub., perh....
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
mōns montis, m 2 MAN-, a mountain, mount, range of mountains : altitudine montium defendi: altissi...
An Elementary Latin Dictionary
Adula Mons
ADU´LA MONS(ὁ Ἀδούλας), the name given to a particular group of the Alps, in which, according to the...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Alabastrites Mons
ALABASTRI´TES MONS(Ἀλαβαστρινὸν ὄρος, Ptol. 4.5.27), formed a portion of the limestone rocks which r...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Albanus Mons
ALBA´NUS MONS(τὸ Ἀλβανὸν ὄρος, Strab.; Monte Cavo) was the name given to the highest and central sum...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Alburnus Mons
ALBURNUS MONS a mountain of Lucania, mentioned in a well-known passage of Virgil ( Georg. 3.146), fr...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Alesius Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Ancorarius Mons
ANCORA´RIUS MONS(Jebel Ouanseris), a mountain of Mauretania Caesariensis, S. of Julia Caesarea, belo...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Apenninus Mons
APENNI´NUS MONS(ὁ Ἀπέννινος, τὸ Ἀπέννινον ὄρος. The singular form is generally used, in Greek as wel...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Aphrodisius Mons
APHRODI´SIUS MONS(τὸ Ἀφροδίσιον ὄρος), a mountain in Spain, mentioned by Appian as a stronghold of V...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Argentarius Mons
ARGENTA´RIUS MONS a remarkable mountain-promontory on the coast of Etruria, still called Monte Argen...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Atabyris Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Aurasius Mons
AURA´SIUS MONS(τὸ Αὐράσιον ὄρος: Jebel Auress), a mountain of N. Africa, in the S. of Numidia, below...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Baecolicus Mons
BAECOLICUS MONS(τὸ Βαικολικὸν ὄρος), a range of mountains, forming part of the S. boundary of Cyrena...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Bagistanus Mons
BAGISTANUS MONS(ὄρος Βαγίστανον, Diod. 2.13; Steph. B.), a mountain on the confines of Media, at whi...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Bagous Mons
BAGO´US MONS(Βαγῶον ὄρος, Ptol. 6.17.1, 19.1), a chain of mountains mentioned by Ptolemy as being be...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Basanites Mons
BASANI´TES MONS(Βασανίτου λίθου ὄρος, Ptol. 4.5.27), formed a portion of the rocky boundary of the N...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Bermius Mons
BE´RMIUS MONS(τὸ Βέρμιον ὄρος: Vérria), a range of mountains in Macedonia, between the Haliacmon and...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Cabubathra Mons
CABUBATHRA MONS(Καβούβαθρα ὄρος), a mountain on the SW. coast of Arabia, mentioned by Ptolemy (Ptol....
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Calafiius Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Callicula Mons
CALLI´CULA MONS a range of mountains in the northern part of Campania. The name is found only in Liv...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Cambalidus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Carmelus Mons
CARMELUS MONSΧερμήλ, Κάρμηλος, LXX.; Κάρμηλος, Strab. 16. p. 758; Καρμήλιον ὄρος, J. AJ), a mountain...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Carpates Mons
CARPATES MONS(ὁ Καρπάτης ὄρος: Carpathian Mountains). The namefirst occurs in Ptolemy, who applies i...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Casius Mons
CA´SIUS MONS(Κάσιον: Jebel-el-Akrá), a mountain of N. Syria, near Nymphaeum (Strab. 16. p. 751) and ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Cebenna Mons
CEBENNA MONS or CEVENNA, as it is generally written in the editions of Caesar ( B. G. 7.8: also call...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Cetius Mons
CE´TIUS MONS(Κέτιον ὄρος: Kahlenberg), a mountain of Noricum on the borders of Upper Pannonia (Ptol....
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Claudius Mons
CLAU´DIUS MONS a mountain range in Pannonia, the eastern slope of which was inhabited by the Taurisc...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Climax Mons
CLIMAX MONS(Κλίμαξ ὄρος, Ptol.), a mountain of Arabia Felix, mentioned as a landmark several times i...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Cnacalus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Coracius Mons
CORA´CIUS MONS(τὸ Κοράκιον ὄρος) is placed by Strabo (p. 643) between Colophon and Lebedus. As the w...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Coronus Mons
CORO´NUS MONS(Κορωνός, Ptol. 6.2.4. 6.5.1, 6.9. § § 3, 4), the eastern part of the great chain of mo...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Cronius Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Cunarus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Draco Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Durvus Mons
DURVUS MONST he St. Immerthaland the Münsterthal, in the canton of Bernin Switzerland, are separated...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Ebal Mons
EBAL MONS(ὄρος Γαιβάλ), a mountain of Palestine, always associated in the sacred narrative with the ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Epomeus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Fiscellus Mons
FISCELLUS MONS a lofty mountain forming part of the central and most elevated chain of the Apennines...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Garbata Mons
GARBATA MONS(Γάρδατα ἢ τὸ Γάρδατον ὄρος, Ptol. 4.7. § § 26, 31), was the southern portion of the rid...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Gaura Mons
GAURA MONSP art of the Jerusalem Itin. contains a route from Civitas Valentia ( Valence), on the Rho...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Gaurus Mons
GAURUS MONS a mountain of Campania, now called Monte Barbaro, in the immediate neighbourhood of Pute...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Gilboa Mons
GILBOA MONS(Γελβουὲ ὄρος), a low mountain district to the south-east of the plain of Esdraelon, situ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Golgotha Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Grampius Mons
GRA´MPIUS MONS in Britain, the scene of Galgacus's resistance to the Roman arms== the Grampian Hills...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Herminius Mons
HERMI´NIUS MONS(τὸ ὄρος Ἑρμίνιον: Sierra de la Estrella), a mountain range of Lusitania, S. of the r...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Hypatus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Ilipula Mons
ILI´PULA MONS(Ἰλίπουλα), a range of mountains in Baetica, S. of the Baetis, mentioned only by Ptolem...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Imeus Mons
IMEUS MONS is the name given in the Tabula Peutingeriana to the mountain pass which leads from the b...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Ion Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Isius Mons
ISIUS MONS(τὸ Ἴσιον ὄρος, Ptol. 4.7.5), a mountain, or rather a ridge of highlands rising gradually ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Jovis Mons
JOVIS MONS(Mongri, near A mpurias), a spur of the Pyrenees in Spain, running out into the Mediterran...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Lactarius Mons
LACTA´RIUS MONS(Γάλακτος ὄρος: Monte S. Angelo), was the name given by the Romans to a mountain in t...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Lepinus Mons
LEPINUS MONS is the name given by Columella (Colum. 10.131), the only author in whom the name is fou...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Lesora Mons
LE´SORA MONS(Mont Lozère), a summit of the Cévennes, above 4800 feet high, is mentioned by Sidonius ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Libanus Mons
LIBA´NUS MONS(Λίβανος ὄρος), in Hebrew LEBANON(HEBREW), a celebrated mountain range of Syria, or, as...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Liburnus Mons
LIBURNUS MONS a mountain in Apulia, mentioned only by Polybius, in his description of Hannibal's mar...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Lucretilis Mons
LUCRE´TILIS MONS(Monte Gennaro), a mountain in the land of the Sabines, whose name is known to us on...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Lycabettus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mampsarus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mandrus Mons
MANDRUS MONS(τὸ Μάδρον, ἢ Μάνδρου ὄρος), one of the chief mountains of Libya, from whence flow all t...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Marcius Mons
MA´RCIUS MONS(τὸ Μάρκιον ὄρος) was, according to Plutarch, the name of the place which was the scene...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Marianus Mons
MARIA´NUS MONS(τὸ Μαριανὸν ὄρος, Ptol. 2.4.15; Mons Mariorum, It. Anton. p. 432: Sierra Morena), a m...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Massicus Mons
MA´SSICUS MONS(Monte Massico), a mountain, or rather range of hills, in Campania, which formed the l...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Matinus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mesche Mons
MESCHE MONS(Μέσχηal.Ἰνέσχι, Ptol. 4.9.6), a mountain of Interior Africa, S. of the equator, which Pt...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mons Aureus
MONS AUREUS(Χρύσουν ὄρος). 1. A mountain in Moesia Superior, which the emperor ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mons Balbus
MONS BALBUS a mountain fastness of N. Africa, to which Masinissa retired. (Liv. 29.31.) Shaw ( Trav....
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mons Brisiacus
MONS BRISIACUST his is one of the positions in the Roman Itins. along the Rhine. They place it betwe...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mons Mariorum
MONS MARIO´RUM a town in Hispania Baetica, on the Mons Marianus, and on the road leading from the mo...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mons Sacer
MONS SACER(τὸ ἱερὸν ρος, Ptol. 3.17.4), a mountain range on the SE. coast of Crete, near Hierapytna,...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Mons Seleucus
MONS SELEUCUS in Gallia Narbonensis, is placed in the Antonine Itin. next to Vapincum ( Gap), on a r...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Nebrodes Mons
NEBRODES MONSτὰ Νευρώδη ὄρη, Strab.: Monti di Madonia), one of the most considerable ranges of mount...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Neptunius Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Ocra Mons
OCRA MONS(ἡ Ὄκρα), is the name given by Strabo to the lowest part of the Julian or Carnic Alps, over...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Panachaicus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Pappua Mons
PAPPUA MONS(Παππούα, Procop. B. V. 2.4,7), the inaccessible mountain country in the interior of Numi...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Parnassus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Pausilypus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Pentelicus Mons
PENTE´LICUS MONS[ATTICA pp. 322, a., 323, b.]
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Phoenicius Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Porphyrites Mons
PORPHYRI´TES MONS(Πορφυρίτης ὄρος, Ptol. 4.5.27), a long but not very lofty range of mountains which...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Prionotus Mons
PRIO´NOTUS MONS(Πριώνοτον ὄρος), a mountain in the southern part of Arabia, in the territory of the ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Sacer Mons
SACER MONS(τοερὸν ὄρος) was the name given to a hill about 3 miles from Rome, across the Anio and on...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Scordus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Semiramidis Mons
SEMIRA´MIDIS MONS(Σεμειραμίδος ὄρος), a remarkable circular mountain on the N. side of the Persian g...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Setius Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Severus Mons
SEVE´RUS MONS a mountain of Central Italy mentioned only by Virgil ( Aen. 7.713), who places it amon...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Smaragdus Mons
SMARAGDUS MONS(Σμάραγδος ὄρος, Ptol. 4.5.15), was a portion of the chain of hills which runs along t...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Solorius Mons
SOLO´RIUS MONS an offshoot of Mons Argentarius, running to the SW., on the borders of Hispania Tarra...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Taburnus Mons
TABURNUS MONS(Monte Taburno), was the name given in ancient times to one of the most important mount...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Talaeus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Taunus Mons
TAUNUS MONS a range of hills in western Germany, beginning near the river Nicer ( Neckar), and runni...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Taurus Mons
TAURUS MONS(ὁ Ταῦρος), one of the great mountain ranges of Asia, the name of which is believed to be...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Telephrius Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Tetrica Mons
TETRICA MONS a mountain in the central range of the Apennines, adjoining the territory of the Sabine...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Transcellensis Mons
TRANSCELLENSIS MONS a mountain in Mauretania, between Caesarea and the river Chinalaph. (Ammian. 29....
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Trapezus Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Troicus Mons
TROICUS MONS(Τρωικὸν ὄρος, Strab. 17. p. 809; Steph. B. s. v.;Τρωικοῦ λίθου ὄρος, Ptol. 4.5.27), was...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Veneris Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Vesulus Mons
VESULUS MONS(Monte Viso), one of the most lofty summits of the Alps, which, from its prominent posit...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Vesuvius Mons
VESUVIUS MONS(Οὐεσούϊος, or Οὐεσούβιος: Monte Vesuvio), sometimes also called by Latin writers VESEV...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Victoriae Mons
VICTO´RIAE MONS a mountain in Hispania Citerior, near the Iberus. (Liv. 24.41.) [T.H.D]
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Vindius Mons
VINDIUS MONS(Οὔινδιον ὄρος, Ptol. 7.1.28), a chain of mountains in Hindostân, extending NE. and SW. ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Vocetius Mons
VOCE´TIUS MONST his name occurs in Tacitus (Tac. Hist. 1.68), and nowhere else. The history shows th...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Vultur Mons
VULTUR MONS(Monte Voltore), one of the most celebrated mountains of Southern Italy, situated on the ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Zagrus Mons
ZAGRUS MONS(ὁ Ζάγρος, τὸ Ζάγρον ὄρος, Plb. 5.44; Ptol. 6.2.4; Strab. 11. p. 522), the central portio...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Zarax Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Ziguensis Mons
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Grampius mons
Grampius mons, v. Graupius.
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.