Marcius Mons

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MA´RCIUS MONS(τὸ Μάρκιον ὄρος) was, according to Plutarch, the name of the place which was the scene of a great defeat of the Volscians and Latins by Camillus in the year after the taking of Rome by the Gauls B.C. 389. (Plut. Camill. 33, 34.) Diodorus, who calls it simply Marcius or Marcium (τὸ καλούμενον Μάρκιον, 14.107), tells us it was 200 stadia from Rome; and Livy, who writes the name ad Mecium,says it was near Lanuvium. (Liv. 6.2.) The exact site cannot be determined. Some of the older topographers speak of a hill called Colle Marzo, but no such place is found on modern maps; and Gell suggests the Colle di Due Torrias the most probable locality. (Gell, Top. of Rome, p. 311.)