Mons Seleucus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MONS SELEUCUS in Gallia Narbonensis, is placed in the Antonine Itin. next to Vapincum ( Gap), on a road from Vapincum to Vienna ( Vienne). It is 24 M. P. from Vapincum to Mons Seleucus, and 26 M. P. from Mons Seleucus to Lucus ( Luc). The Jerusalem Itin. has two Mutationes (Ad Fines, and Davianum) between Vapincum and the Mansio Mons Seleucus, and the whole distance is 31 M. P. The distances would not settle the position of Mons Seleucus, but the name is preserved in Saléon. The Bâtie Mont-Saléonis only an abbreviation of the Bastida Montis Seleuci, a name that appears in some of the old documents of Dauphiné. Many remains exist or did exist at Mons Seleucus; certain evidence that there was a Roman town here.
Magnentius was defeated A.D. 353 by Constantius at Mons Seleucus. (Tillemont, Histoire des Emperedurs, vol. 4. p. 383.) The memory of the battle is preserved in several local names, as Le Champ l'Impeiris, and Le Champ Batailles. (Ukert, Gallien, p. 448.)