Bermius Mons

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BE´RMIUS MONS(τὸ Βέρμιον ὄρος: Vérria), a range of mountains in Macedonia, between the Haliacmon and Ludias, at the foot of which stood the city of Beroea. Herodotus relates that this mountain was impassable on account of the cold, and that beyond it were the gardens of Midas, in which the roses grew spontaneously. (Hdt. 8.138; Strab. 7. p. 330.) The Bermius is the same as the Bora of Livy (Liv. 45.29), and is a continuation of Mount Barnus. (Müller, Dorians, vol. 1. p. 469, transl.; Leake, Northern Greece, vol.3. p. 295.)