Durvus Mons

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DURVUS MONST he St. Immerthaland the Münsterthal, in the canton of Bernin Switzerland, are separated by a rocky barrier of the Jura, in which is the cleft through which the road leads from Bielto Bâleand Porentruy. It is supposed by some writers to have been a natural cleft in which the Romans formed their road, as a Roman inscription on the rock shows; but the reading of it is said to be doubtful. The place is called the Pierre Pertuseor Pertuis (Pertusa). According to D'Anville ( Notice, &c.), the inscription contains the words VIA DVCTA PER MONTEM DVRVVM;and he adds that the mountain keeps its name Durvau. According to the inscription, a IIVIR COL. HELVET.superintended the work; the colonia is probably Aventicum ( Avenche).

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