Coracius Mons

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CORA´CIUS MONS(τὸ Κοράκιον ὄρος) is placed by Strabo (p. 643) between Colophon and Lebedus. As the word Κοράκιονis an adjective, the name of the mountain may be Corax. When Strabo speaks of a mountain between Colophon and Lebedus, he means that some high land is crossed in going from one place to the other; but this high land runs north, and occupies the tract that extends from Colophon and Lebedus north, towards the gulf of Smyrna. Chandler therefore may be right when he gives the name Corax to the mountains which were on his left hand as he passed from Smyrna to Vourla, near the site of Clazomenae. (Asia Minor, 100.23.)